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Who Should Israel Trust?

In case you missed yesterday’s news, the Tennessean picked up a USA Today reported story that Israel stopped a ship named the Francop off the coast of Cyprus and towed it to the port of Ashdod. There they discovered hundreds of tons of rockets, missiles, mortars, grenades and anti -tank weapons which were headed for Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. As expected, Syria has denied the allegations. The containers of these weapons had the name “LR. Iranian Shipping Lines Group” written on the outside and Israel is claiming that these weapons were manufactured and sent by Iran. Israel further claims that this shipment was meant to be placed in the hands of the Hezbollah and Hamas guerrillas. Iran has also denied any involvement. It is news such as this that creates a feeling of mistrust for the Iranian leadership when they make such a denial and it is further proof that they will stop at nothing to help destroy the State of Israel. Many good people in Iran are protesting their government and truly want a change in leadership. The rest of the world must continue as well as increase economic sanctions against Iran which are already having an impact to hopefully, someday, bring about a change in Iran’s commitment to destroy Israel. With such news as today, one cannot blame the Israeli people and government if they are fearful of Iran’s intention or that someday that they may be forced to take military action against Iran.

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